Proficient Reading:
Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
Blood Drive on September 23!
Students have a range of options for magnets and school programs.
Battle of the Books is starting soon! Fill out this form to participate!
FCPS shifts to a different application platform.
Wishing everyone a great first day of classes!
For the 2024-25 school year, students will be charged for meals. Students, who qualified, in our district, for free/reduced last year will receive a 30-day grace period but must reapply before the deadline of 9/25/2024.
If you are interested in applying for F/R meal assistance, please continue reading.
-Income guidelines are below that may help determine if you should complete the application.
-If your child already received an automatic approval of benefits letter in the mail (for this 2024-25 school year), you do not need to fill out the form. Their free status is on file.
-Only one form per family needed, and it only takes a few minutes.
Application opens August 1st @ .
(If you need any help filling out the application on-line, please contact Jessica Morgison, Programs Assistant for FCPS Child Nutrition at 859-422-2152 or the school’s contact, _____________ at ____________.)
Thank you for your help!
This model reflects what we aim for our students to know, to do, and to be like. FCPS' four promises are that every graduate will be able to say "I am ..."