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2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading:



Distinguished Reading:



Proficient Math:



Distinguished Math:



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For Parents Guardians

For Parents/Guardians

Dear Parents and guardians,

Whether you are joining the Veterans Park Elementary School (VPE) community for the first time, or if you are returning -- welcome! This academic year promises to be another special year at VPE!

We are celebrating over 25 years of academic excellence, where the school motto, “Watch us S.H.I.N.E.!” rings true in so many ways. Did you know that VPE’s motto has multiple meanings? The acronym stands for “Study, Help others, Inquire, Never give up, Explore!” The words behind the capitalized SHINE remind staff and students – and we parents – to dig deeper, try harder, and influence others in positive ways.

One of the most positive ways you can influence your child’s academic success is by demonstrating your commitment to SHINE. Be involved. Show interest. Offer a helping hand.

An easy way to SHINE as parents, guardians, grandparents and other significant adult role models at VPE is to join the efforts of the school’s support organization, VPE PTA. Every child at VPE benefits from the work that PTA does. Every child attends a play, hears a concert, gets lessons on a SmartBoard, participates in learning on an iPad and Chromebook uses supplies purchased for a classroom, participates in an assembly or plays on the playground. Every child wins because of the active, resourceful, caring and dedicated individuals who, collectively, make up the VPE PTA.

The brick-and-mortar structure of VPE may be over 20 years old, but the activity that goes on under its roof is renewed each year with a vigor and enthusiasm that belies the age of the building. This year, enjoy the school year at VPE by taking some time to stop by and lend a helping hand. Up close and personal, take a minute to help us all SHINE!

Again, welcome to a shiny new school year! We look forward to serving with you!

Family Involvement

Fayette County Public Schools recognizes that family involvement is essential as we partner to educate our district’s students and to prepare them for life-long learning. Schools, families, and community must all be actively engaged in developing strong programs and policies that support the academic success of every student. For districtwide opportunities, visit Family & Community Engagement.


All guests must sign in at the front office and wear a visitors tag.


Regular attendance at school is essential for students' success in the classroom.  A written excuse -- dated and signed -- is required for all absences. Excused absences include illness, death of an immediate family member, religious holidays for which prior approval is given, medical and dental appointments, and special cases approved by the principal.


If you are picking up your child at dismissal time, please wait outside the building. Veterans Park must have a written note if there is a change in your child’s transportation; a telephone call will not be accepted. During the school day, you must come into the office to sign out your child. Students are released from class only when called from the office.

Transportation Change?

Don’t have a access to a fax machine nearby? If you need to change your child’s transportation information, you can now do so by taking a picture of a signed note (parent signature) and email it to  You will get a response back if your change was received. If you do not receive a response, then we get not get the change. The e-mail must be received by 1:30 p.m. on the date of the transportation change in order to be considered.