Proficient Reading:
Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
Blood Drive on September 23!
Students have a range of options for magnets and school programs.
Battle of the Books is starting soon! Fill out this form to participate!
FCPS shifts to a different application platform.
Wishing everyone a great first day of classes!
For the 2024-25 school year, students will be charged for meals. Students, who qualified, in our district, for free/reduced last year will receive a 30-day grace period but must reapply before the deadline of 9/25/2024.
If you are interested in applying for F/R meal assistance, please continue reading.
-Income guidelines are below that may help determine if you should complete the application.
-If your child already received an automatic approval of benefits letter in the mail (for this 2024-25 school year), you do not need to fill out the form. Their free status is on file.
-Only one form per family needed, and it only takes a few minutes.
Application opens August 1st @ .
(If you need any help filling out the application on-line, please contact Jessica Morgison, Programs Assistant for FCPS Child Nutrition at 859-422-2152 or the school’s contact, _____________ at ____________.)
Thank you for your help!
Register now for this new communitywide fundraiser.
Support VPE PTA through "Gives Back" programs!